CoVid-19 has put a dampener on many a plan. Millions have lost their jobs, and economies have shrunk significantly for the first time in years. To add insult to injury, CoVid-19 doesn’t look like going away for at least another year (we are at the end 2020 at the time of writing this), if not more.
In this scenario, your best laid life plans can go awry due to the novel Corona Virus. It’s said prevention is better than cure. Truer words may never have been spoken.
It’s important to insure yourself and your family against the risks posed to the real danger of contracting the Corona Virus.

Corona Virus Insurance
What kind of policies cover treatment for CoVid-19?
To put it simply, all health insurance policies cover treatment for the CoVid-19. However you can choose to get a separate CoVid insurance policy to enhance your protection.
Quality treatment at private hospitals can be very expensive for CoVid-19, on account of the longer-duration hospitalization and quarantine requirements, as well as hygiene requirements like compulsory usage of PPE kits, deep sanitization of health facilities at high frequencies etc. Hospital bills can run huge in some cases, and your existing policies may not be adequate to entirely cover the same.
A standalone CoVid-19 treatment policy can come as a huge peace of mind in this scenario.
What are the CoVid-treatment specific policies in the market?
A few insurers have launched specific policies. There are different type of Coronavirus insurance policies like Corona Kavach, Corona Rakshak, Star Novel Coronavirus Insurance Policy etc. Multiple insurers offer policies of one or more kind.
Most of these policies offer reasonable one-time premium options for good coverage. Waiting periods range from 3 days to 15 days.
All the plans include quarantine covers and hospitalization charges.
How to buy a Coronavirus insurance policy?
We have listed the companies below that are offering specific CoVid related covers. You can click on these to check the details on the insurers’ website. All the information shared by us is free of bias and we recommend you make the best decision for yourself basis a good comparison of multiple available options.
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